Public warned not to approach duo on the run from prison with links to Peterborough and St Neots

PRISON ESCAPE: Matthew Wilsdon (left) and Richard SmithPRISON ESCAPE: Matthew Wilsdon (left) and Richard Smith
PRISON ESCAPE: Matthew Wilsdon (left) and Richard Smith
Public are being warned not to approach two men on the run from prison, one of whom was jailed for the assault and robbery of a vulnerable Peterborough man.

Police are appealing for help in tracing two prisoners who have absconded form Hollesley Bay in Suffolk.

41-year-old Matthew Wilsdon and Richard Smith, 25, were reported missing to police at around 4.45pm yesterday, Tuesday May 15.

It is not known whether the men absconded together.

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Wilsdon, formerly of Orchard Street, Peterborough, is a career criminal who broke into a vulnerable man’s home and threatened him with a hammer. He is serving a seven years and six months sentence.

Wilsdon, with an accomplice, kicked the door in of a housebound Peterborough 64-year-old armed with claw hammers and wearing masks, ripped a bracelet from the man’s wrist, and took a ring and phones from the house and ransacking the property. The victim begged for his life as the robbers searched his home asking where the safe was.

He is described as white, five feet 11 inches tall, with blue eyes, brown hair and weighs around 13.5 stone. He has a tribal tattoo on his right arm.

Smith is serving a one year and 11 months sentence for theft, burglary and assault and has connections to the St Neots area.

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He is described as white, six feet tall, with blue eyes, blonde hair and is of slight build, weighing around 10.5 stone. He has a tattoo on his lower right arm and a scar on the right side of his face.

Members of the public are advised not to approach the men.

Anyone who believes they may have seen Matthew Wilsdon or Richard Smith, or who has any information regarding their whereabouts, is asked to contact Suffolk Police on 101 quoting Cad 262 of Tuesday 15 May.